Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Why You Shouldn't Skip A Home Inspection

A home is one of the biggest purchases you may make in your lifetime, so it is important to know as much as you can about it. A home inspection can help you in many different ways from need-to-know information to negotiating price. The Platinum Group, REALTORS offers five reasons why you shouldn't skip a home inspection. 

1. Find Underlying Problems

Even if your home is a new construction, a home inspection is always a good idea, as you could find underlying issues. No matter the age of the home, there could be costly issues unknown to the average buyer. There could be problems with wiring, plumbing and easements that are not visible during a showing, so it's best to get an experts opinion before making an offer on a home. 

2. Could Save You Money

A home inspection can run anywhere from $200 for a small condo to over $400 for a large home. This may seem expensive, however, it could save you money in the long run. A home inspection is a lot cheaper than a new roof, foundation repairs or rewiring of the whole home.

3. Negotiating Tool

If you get a home inspection done before you buy, it could be used to negotiate the price down. If you find your dream home, but realize it needs a lot of work done after the home inspection, you can use the information gathered during the home inspection to talk down the price. In addition to using the home inspection as a negotiating tool, you can also use it as a way to back out of a contract. 

4. Get Repairs In Contract

In addition to negotiating a lower price, many times buyers will include a clause in the contract that requires sellers to make necessary repairs before any money is exchanged. If they are unwilling to make the repairs, you can also estimate the cost and ask them to take that amount off the total. Knowing the condition of the home can give you very valuable bargaining power. 

5. Know What Your Buying

The most important thing about home inspections is that it allows you to really know what you're buying. A home is one of the biggest investments a person is going to make in their lifetime, so it is important you do your research just like you would with any large purchase. The more you know, the fewer surprise there will be down the road. The roof of the home you are looking at may not need a new roof right not, but it could make a big difference knowing it may need one in a couple of years.

If you are on the search for a new home in Colorado Springs, contact The Platinum Group, REALTORS at 719-536-4444. When you hire an agent from the best team of REALTORS in Colorado Springs, you know they will be with you every step of the way from the home search to the signing. Visit our website to learn more about the best team of real estate agents in Colorado Springs at www.PlatinumHomeSales.com.

The Platinum Group, Realtors The First Choice in Real Estate

Visit our website: www.PlatinumHomeSales.com

6760 Corporate Drive, Ste 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(719) 536-4444

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How To Prepare For The Sale Of Your Home

It is no surprise that spring is the busy season in the real estate market. If you are thinking of selling your home, the sooner you get it up on the market, the better. Now is the perfect time to start working on some projects that can help get your home sold. The Platinum Group, REALTORS have a few tips to help you get your Colorado Springs home prepared to be put on the market. 

Clean The Exterior

In addition to taking care of the landscaping, it is also important to take care of the outside maintenance. A sloppy exterior will make buyers think that the interior is not well kept either. Be sure to clean the gutters and pressure wash your home's siding.

Spruce Up Curb Appeal

The winter months can be rough on the landscaping, however, buyers still pay attention to this aspect of the home. No matter what season you're selling your home in, don't neglect the landscaping. During the spring and summer months, make sure the lawn is mowed, the bushes are trimmed and weeds are out of the garden. It is also a good idea to plant seasonal flowers, such as have daisies in the spring and summer and poinsettias in the winter months. 

Make Repairs

You want your home to be in the best possible condition before putting it on the market, which means that all repairs should be taken care of beforehand. Anything that could discourage buyers should be fixed ahead of time. If there's a leaky faucet or a broken window, fix it as soon as possible. 

Brighten Up The Porch

Make your home inviting by brightening up the entrance way. A fresh coat of paint on the door, especially in a color that contrasts with the home, can make the door stand out. It is also a good idea to replace faded house numbers, so buyers can see them from the curb. 


You want potential buyers to envision their belonging in your home. Remove any clutter and depersonalize your home by removing knickknacks, photos, extra furniture and other personal items. 


A messy closet can give the appearance that your home doesn't have enough storage space. It is a good idea to cut back the amount of items in your closet and drawers to allow the items in there to have more room, which makes it look bigger. 

Clean, Clean & Clean

You want to make every surface shine. From ceiling fans to floors and everything in between, clean your home until it sparkles. 

Hide The Pets

Although you may love pets, not everyone does. Put away litter boxes, dog bowls and their toys when showing the home. 

If you are thinking of selling your home in the Colorado Springs area, contact The Platinum Group, REALTORS. Our team is comprised of some of the best real estate agents in Colorado Springs. Let us help you sell your home and find you a new one! Contact us today to learn more about what you should do to prepare your home to be put on the market in Colorado Springs. 

The Platinum Group, Realtors The First Choice in Real Estate

Visit our website: www.PlatinumHomeSales.com

6760 Corporate Drive, Ste 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(719) 536-4444

Thursday, January 12, 2017

The Benefits Of Being A Homeowner

From a place to raise a family or a place to call your own, there are many different reasons why people choose to buy a home rather than rent. However, there may be some financial benefits of homeownership that you may not have thought about. The best team of real estate agents in Colorado Springs has explained just some of the many benefits of being a homeowner. 

Build Equity 

In terms of your home, equity is the amount of money you can sell it for minus what you still owe. With every mortgage payment you make, the amount you owe lowers, which raises your equity. If you ever sell your home, equity is all profit. If you are buying another home, you can you the money you earned from the sale of your old home to purchase the new home and borrow less. In addition, if you ever need money, you can borrow against the equity in your home with a second mortgage. 

Forced Saving Plan

Owning a home means at least a portion of your income is going towards savings. How? Paying your mortgage every month is essentially a forced savings plan, as you are building up equity. With every mortgage payment, your equity raises and you save more money. When you own a home, you will always have a source of emergency income should you need it in the form of equity loans or even selling your home.  

Consistent Mortgage Payment

When you buy a home, you are generally locked into a fixed-rate mortgage, which is pre-determined payments due every month until the house is paid off. Because this is fixed, you know it won't suddenly increase, unlike rent payments, which helps create a budget that you can use for years. 

Tax Benefits

There are several different tax deduction benefits that homeowners could receive including mortgage deduction, closing cost deductions and property tax deductions. The tax code that allows homeowners to deduct the mortgage interest from their taxes is a huge benefit to some people, as interest payments can be a large component of their mortgage payment in the first few years of homeownership. The first year you buy a home, you can claim the origination fees on your loan, which could help considerably. 

Buying Vs. Renting

At first, it might seem cheaper to rent. However, over time, buying a home could end up being the cheaper route. Eventually, the interest portion of your mortgage payment decreases, which could make your payment cheaper than the rent you pay. Most importantly you are not just “throwing” your money away on rent. Instead of paying money to a landlord, you could be paying off your own home.

Jump In On The Benefits Today!

Now is the perfect time to buy a home in Colorado Springs! With many beautiful homes on the market, you are sure to find the right home for your family in your price range. If you are on the search for a Colorado Springs home, contact The Platinum Group, REALTORS at 719-536-4444. We would love to help you find your dream home and have you start seeing the benefits of owning a home in Colorado Springs

The Platinum Group, Realtors The First Choice in Real Estate

Visit our website: www.PlatinumHomeSales.com

6760 Corporate Drive, Ste 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(719) 536-4444