Thursday, April 27, 2017

Celebrate Lawn & Garden Month With These Spring Yard Tips

April is National Lawn & Garden month and it's also the best time to start up your spring lawn care routine so you can have a beautiful yard you can enjoy all summer long. Many of our homes for sale in Colorado Springs feature beautiful backyards that feature gorgeous views of the surrounding mountains. The Platinum Group, REALTORS wants to make sure you can enjoy these beautiful views with an equally beautiful backyard. To celebrate National Lawn & Garden Month, we have 6 tips for you to keep in mind this spring so you can have the best looking lawn on the block this summer.

1. Mow Regularly

Start mowing your lawn as soon as it needs it and continue mowing as often as it takes to keep it between 3-4 inches, which is usually about once a week. Keep in mind though that it's important not to cut your lawn too short, as that could be just as damaging as letting it grow too tall.

2. Water In The Early Morning

It's best to water your lawn during the coolest part of the day, which is the early morning. While it is also cool in the evenings, watering the lawn at night doesn't allow the water droplets to evaporate, which could cause lawn disease. In addition to watering in the morning, it's also best to water the lawn less often, but for longer periods of times to promote roots growing deep into the ground.

3. Fertilizer 

The type of grass you have in your lawn will affect when and how you should fertilize your lawn. If you have cool-season grasses, don't heavily fertilize your lawn in the spring. This will encourage rapid tender growth that will struggle to survive the heat of the summer. If your cool-season lawn is in in bad shape, fertilize lightly in the spring with a slow-releasing fertilizer. Save the heavier feedings for fall when cool-season grasses are at their peak growing season. If you have a warm-season grass, fertilize in the late spring as soon as the lawn gets nice and green and begins to actively grow. This is usually after the last frost in April or May.

4. Use Weed Control

Both cool and warm season kinds of grass can benefit from weed control during the spring months. It's best to use a pre-emergent weed control during the spring to prevent the seeds from germinating. The best way to control weeds is to eliminate them before they start to grow.  Keeping the weeds out of your grass helps it not only look good but it keeps it healthy too. 

5. Aerate

The best time to aerate your lawn depends on the type of grass is in your yard. For warm-season grasses, it's best to aerate in the early to mid-summer. For cool-season grasses, aeration is best saved for the fall, however, it can be repeated in the springtime if the soil is extremely compacted. It's best to wait until the lawn has been mowed two or three times in the season so you know it will recover from the aeration.

6. Overseeding

In the spring, you will need to decide if you want to focus on weed control or lawn seeding. Pre-emergent herbicides prevent grass seed from sprouting as well, so you can't do both. The herbicide usually last up to 12 weeks, which means you'll miss the spring planting season.

If your focus is on filling in bare spots or establishing a new lawn, then follow these steps depending on the type of grass you have. If you have cool-season grasses, they can be planted as soon as the temperature is in the 60s and soil temperatures are in the 50s. Plant as soon as temperatures allow the seedlings a chance to get established before the hot weather hits. Fall is typically the better time to plant cool-season grasses, so use the spring months for patching bare spots and be prepared to keep your lawn well-watered during the summer. Warm-season grasses can be planted when air temperatures are in the 70 and soil temperatures are in the 60s. It's important to make sure the danger of frost has passed. Late spring is the best time to plant warm-season grasses.

Hopefully, with these tips, you'll have a healthier lawn you can enjoy all summer long. If you are in search for a new home in Colorado Springs with beautiful views of mountains or the city from your backyard, The Platinum Group, REALTORS can help. Just call our expert team of Colorado Springs real estate agents at 719-536-4444.

The Platinum Group, Realtors The First Choice in Real Estate

Visit our website:

6760 Corporate Drive, Ste 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(719) 536-4444

Sunday, April 16, 2017

7 Spring Curb Appeal Tips For Your Home

Spring is in full swing and many people are doing some spring cleaning around their home. While spring is a great time to get your Colorado Springs home nice and clean for the summer, it's also a great time to do some work around the outside of your home. The best team of REALTORS in Colorado Springs has a few tips to help you boost your home's curb appeal this spring.

1. Enhance The Front Door

Your front door should be your home's exterior focal point. Make sure it looks its best by adding a fresh coat of paint or stain. If your door is painted, maybe paint it a new color - like an exciting green or a rich red. Polish the door handles or replace them if necessary. For a seasonal touch, adding a beautiful spring wreath - if you want to get creative, you can even make your own!

2. Add More Plants

Curb appeal begins at the curb. Instead of keeping plants close to your home, plant some perennials and spring bulbs between the curb and sidewalk. This extra layer of foliage and color can create a sense of depth, which could make your front yard appear larger.

3. Make Your House Numbers Pop

Go across the street and see how easy it is to find your house numbers. Place them where they're not blocked by trees or porch railing, and position them horizontally rather than vertically, as they are easier to read that way. Ideally, place house numbers beneath a porch lamp or landscape light, where they will be illuminated in the evening.

4. Make Your Yard Shine

A well-manicured yard is the key to great curb appeal on a home. Mowed lawn, fresh mulch and pruned plants can boost the curb appeal of any home. Re-seed any areas in the lawn that are bare, pull out weeds and trim back any overgrown bushes. Make sure you begining mowing your lawn as soon as it needs it in the spring and continue to mow it at least once a week throughout the summer.

5. Plant Flowers You Love

Fragrance can have a big impact on a person's experience walking up to your home - not to mention your own walk up to the front door. Consider planting flowers with lovely scents, such as roses, lilacs, honeysuckles, jasmine, lavender and even fresh herbs like rosemary.

6. Light It Up

Lights can make a huge difference in a home, especially outdoor lighting. In the evening, a well-light driveway and porch is welcoming and makes your space look larger. Add lights leading up the driveway and walkway to the front door. This will make it easier for guests, and you, to navigate at night. Not only will it make it safer, it will also make your home beautiful at night.

7. Maintenance Is A Must

All the hard work you put into the curb appeal will be pointless when home maintenance chores have been put off. Nothing looks worse from the curb than hanging gutters, chipped paint and missing bricks from the porch. Not only can these items take away from your curb appeal, they can also damage your home. When you're outside enhancing your curb appeal, take a look around the outside of your home. Make note of any gutters that need to be repaired, missing or damaged shingles, siding that needs to be replaced or repaired and any other home maintenance chores.

If you're looking to buy or sell a home in Colorado Springs, The Platinum Group, REALTORS can help! Our team of real estate agents are some of the best REALTORS in the Colorado Springs area. To see how we can help you, call us at or visit us online at

The Platinum Group, Realtors The First Choice in Real Estate

Visit our website:

6760 Corporate Drive, Ste 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(719) 536-4444

Monday, April 10, 2017

Family-Friendly Easter Activities in Colorado Springs

Easter is just right around the corner. There are many fun events that you and your family can enjoy this year from visiting the Easter Bunny to exploring castles! The Platinum Group, RELATORS has all the information you need to know to enjoy Easter with your family in Colorado Springs.

Visit The Easter Bunny

Watch the kids' eyes light up when they meet the Easter Bunny! He'll be hopping all over Colorado Springs, so find out where he'll be below:

Chapel Hills Mall
When: Now through April 15
Visiting Hours: Monday through Saturday from 10:00 AM - 9:00 PM

Outlets at Castle Rock
When: Now through April 15
Visiting Hours: Monday through Saturday from 11:00 AM - 7:00 PM (carrot break from 2:00 - 3:00 PM)

Easter Castle Tour

This Easter, spend some time with your family and experience some Colorado history at The Glen Eyrie Castle with an EXCLUSIVE tour. Step back in time and learn about the rich heritage of General Palmer, Colorado Springs founder, and the deep spiritual legacy of The Navigators. What makes this tour so special is the fact that every room in the castle will be available for viewing, and all four floors of The Castle will be open to explore with your tour guide. Don't miss this one-day opportunity to have an engaging, fun and meaningful time with friends and family.

When: April 17
Tour Times: 9:00 AM, 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, Noon and 1:00 PM
Price: $9 per person; Children 5 & under are FREE

Bear Creek Nature Center

Join in on the chocolate bunny walk and egg hunt at the Bear Creek Nature Center. Meet a live rabbit and learn everything about them via a fun interactive slide show. Join the Bunny Guide as you hike to search for goody-filled eggs along the trail. Perfect children ages 2-10 years old (with an adult). Prepaid registration required.

When: April 15
Times: 9:00 - 10:00 AM, 11:00 AM - Noon, 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Price: No charge for adults, Member child: $5, Non-member child: $6

Fountain Creek Nature Center

Fountain Creek Nature Center is once again hosting their chocolate bunny hike and egg hunt! Meet a live rabbit and learn about them via a fun, interactive slide show. Afterward, hunt for eggs as you hike through the woods. Goodies are guaranteed for each child. For children ages 2-10 with an adult.

When: April 15
Times: 9:00 - 10:00 AM 11:00 AM - Noon, 1:00 - 2:00 PM
Price: No charge for adults, Member child: $6, Non-member child: $8

Canon City Easter Egg Hunt

Join Canon City for an afternoon of family fun including a bounce house, live entertainment, Easter egg dying, contests and of course, an Easter Egg Hunt. Held at Penrose Park.

When: April 15
Time: 9:00 AM - Noon
Cost: FREE

Easter Egg Hunt & Hay Ride

Celebrate Easter like never before! Join M Lazy C Ranch for an Easter Egg Hunt and Hay Ride.

When: April 15
Price: Adults: $5 Tractor Hayride; Children 10 & Under $5 Egg Hunt and Tractor Hayride; Hot dog, chips & drinks $5 per person

Hams & Hamstrings

The Hams & Hamstrings 5K race is located at the Stetson Hills Open Space off Dublin & Peterson. This is a 5K for runners and walkers alike. For more information, call 719-362-3306.

When: April 16
Time: 8:00 AM
Price: Registrations fees vary depending on the time of year registering.

When you move to Colorado Springs, you can enjoy all the fun, community-wide events that happen all year long. For more information about relocating to Colorado Springs, contact The Platinum Group, REALTORS at719-536-4444. We know that moving is stressful, that's why our goal is to make sure your move to Colorado Springs is as seamless as possible.

The Platinum Group, Realtors The First Choice in Real Estate

Visit our website:

6760 Corporate Drive, Ste 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(719) 536-4444

Monday, April 3, 2017

5 Tips For Moving With Kids

Moving can be stressful, whether it's across town or to another state. Adding kids into the mix and it can be challenging. However, it's not impossible. The best team of real estate agents in Colorado Springs is here to help with five tips for those planning to move with children.

1. Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Moving can be a stressful time, especially when you have kids. While packing itself may not be hard, when you bring kids into the mix, it could make things a bit difficult. Don't be afraid to ask a friend or family member to help you watch the kids while you pack. You could also set up a play date and have your kids out of the house while you get things packed away and ready for the move.

2. Get Them Involved

Moving is not only a stressful time for you, but it's a stressful time for your kids too. Depending on how far you are moving, your kids are going to have to prepare themselves not only for a new house but possibly for a new school as well. To help them get through this time, let them be involved as much as they can. From getting their input on what they want in a new home to helping you pack (nonbreakable items of course), the more they help, the easier the transition could be for them.

3. Label All Boxes Clearly

While labeling boxes is always a good idea when packing, when it comes to packing the kids' items up, make sure to include everything that goes into the boxes. Instead of just labeling the box "toys," it will make it easier on you to include what kinds of toys are in the box. When your kid wants to play with a specific toy, you won't have to rummage through everything to find it.

4. Make The Trip Easy

If you're moving with a recently potty-trained toddler or pre-schooler, think about putting them in pull-ups for the ride. This will help you in case you can't find a bathroom along the way. Another way to help make the trip a bit easier for you and for your kids is to pack them a few toys and activities to keep them entertained. This can be a stressful time in your life as well as your kids, so make it an adventure and let your kids do things they normally wouldn't get to do, such as having specials treats or letting them stay up a bit later than normal.

5. Get Back To Your Daily Routine

After the move, you should take advantage of the chaos and let you kids do new things they normally wouldn't get to do. However, you should try to go back to your normal routine as soon as you can. Some things may have to change once you're in your new home, but try to keep as many consistencies as you can. If they have a special bedtime routine or if you do a family game night each week, keep those activities going on in your new house to make it feel as much as home as possible.

Moving is a stressful time. That's why The Platinum Group, REALTORS wants to help make your move to Colorado Springs as easy as possible. Our team of real estate agents in Colorado Springs can help you with every aspect of finding your dream home from house hunting to closing. If you're on the search for a new home in Colorado Springs contact The Platinum Group, REALTORS at 719-536-4444.

The Platinum Group, Realtors The First Choice in Real Estate

Visit our website:

6760 Corporate Drive, Ste 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(719) 536-4444