Monday, April 3, 2017

5 Tips For Moving With Kids

Moving can be stressful, whether it's across town or to another state. Adding kids into the mix and it can be challenging. However, it's not impossible. The best team of real estate agents in Colorado Springs is here to help with five tips for those planning to move with children.

1. Don't Be Afraid To Ask For Help

Moving can be a stressful time, especially when you have kids. While packing itself may not be hard, when you bring kids into the mix, it could make things a bit difficult. Don't be afraid to ask a friend or family member to help you watch the kids while you pack. You could also set up a play date and have your kids out of the house while you get things packed away and ready for the move.

2. Get Them Involved

Moving is not only a stressful time for you, but it's a stressful time for your kids too. Depending on how far you are moving, your kids are going to have to prepare themselves not only for a new house but possibly for a new school as well. To help them get through this time, let them be involved as much as they can. From getting their input on what they want in a new home to helping you pack (nonbreakable items of course), the more they help, the easier the transition could be for them.

3. Label All Boxes Clearly

While labeling boxes is always a good idea when packing, when it comes to packing the kids' items up, make sure to include everything that goes into the boxes. Instead of just labeling the box "toys," it will make it easier on you to include what kinds of toys are in the box. When your kid wants to play with a specific toy, you won't have to rummage through everything to find it.

4. Make The Trip Easy

If you're moving with a recently potty-trained toddler or pre-schooler, think about putting them in pull-ups for the ride. This will help you in case you can't find a bathroom along the way. Another way to help make the trip a bit easier for you and for your kids is to pack them a few toys and activities to keep them entertained. This can be a stressful time in your life as well as your kids, so make it an adventure and let your kids do things they normally wouldn't get to do, such as having specials treats or letting them stay up a bit later than normal.

5. Get Back To Your Daily Routine

After the move, you should take advantage of the chaos and let you kids do new things they normally wouldn't get to do. However, you should try to go back to your normal routine as soon as you can. Some things may have to change once you're in your new home, but try to keep as many consistencies as you can. If they have a special bedtime routine or if you do a family game night each week, keep those activities going on in your new house to make it feel as much as home as possible.

Moving is a stressful time. That's why The Platinum Group, REALTORS wants to help make your move to Colorado Springs as easy as possible. Our team of real estate agents in Colorado Springs can help you with every aspect of finding your dream home from house hunting to closing. If you're on the search for a new home in Colorado Springs contact The Platinum Group, REALTORS at 719-536-4444.

The Platinum Group, Realtors The First Choice in Real Estate

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6760 Corporate Drive, Ste 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(719) 536-4444

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