Friday, September 9, 2016

5 Tips To Help You Move

Moving can be exciting, nerve-wracking and stressful all at the same time. However, it doesn't have to be with the best team of real estate agents in Colorado Springs helping you along the way. From house hunting to signing papers, a trusted Colorado Springs real estate agent is here for you from start to finish. The Platinum Group, REALTORS has five tips to help the move into your dream home be a little less stressful. 

1. Clearly Label Boxes

In addition to labeling what's in your box, add what room they'll be going into, as well. When moving into your new home, unpack by room. The unpacking process will go a little smoother and feel more manageable. In addition to labeling the top of the box, it is a good idea to also label the sides. This will help know what box it is, even when it's stacked. 

2. Move By Room

Try to get like items together. This will help moving feel a little more organized. Although you can fit those kitchen utensils into your living room box, it might make finding those items later a bit difficult. If you keep all the kitchen items together, unpacking that room will not only go faster, but it will also be less stressful later. If you are having to run to different rooms when unpacking just one box, you will find it will take you much longer. Keep it easy and keep like items together. 

3. Pack An Overnight Bag

After moving your boxes into your new home, you might be a little tired, which means not everything will be unpacked. You'll want the essential items within easy reach like a change of clothes and toiletries. This is also a great way to move small electronics like laptops during the move to reduce the risk of them getting damaged, or worse, stolen. 

4. Keep Like Items Together

Although you will be packing by room, make sure like items go together. Keep light bulbs with lights and extension cords with appliances. You can also keep the small loose parts attached to the item they belong with, which can help ensure you don't loose it in the moving process. Attach it with tape or in a small envelope. Keep larger items like cable TV cords in resealable bags and tape it to the back or underside of the item. You can also have a "parts box" that is filled with cables, cords, parts and brackets. 

5. Pack Ahead

Although sometimes moving can be unexpected, try and pack what you can as early as possible. This will help save time on moving day. Depending on the time of the year you move, pack the clothes you aren't wearing. If you are moving in the summer, you can pack up your winter jackets, as you are not needing them. Pack up your shampoo and other cosmetics and live out of a travel case for the last week. 

Let The Platinum Group, REALTORS Help With Your Next Move

Finding your dream home and moving into it can be an exciting time, however, it can also be stressful. Hopefully, with these five tips, your next move will go smoothly. If you are thinking about moving to Colorado Springs, Let the Platinum Group, REALTORS help you find your new home! Give us a call at 719-536-4444 today.

The Platinum Group, Realtors The First Choice in Real Estate

Visit our website:

6760 Corporate Drive, Ste 300
Colorado Springs, CO 80906
(719) 536-4444

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